This is the offical web site for the European Network on Training, Evaluation and Research in Mental Health

You are here: Members - Institute of Psychiatry & Neurology, Warsaw, Poland










The aims of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology are to improve health care in the field of psychiatry and neurology and to conduct research in these ones. The several of disciplines are represented by 25 institute subdivisions inter alia : six departments of psychiatry (including Child & Adolescence Psychiatry Department and Forensic Psychiatry Department), Department of Neurotic Disorders & Psychotherapy and two departments of neurology. Basic research is conducted by several departments and laboratories such as Department of Biochemistry, Department of Pharmacology & Physiology, Department of Genetics and Department of Clinical Neurophysiology.

Institute main activities are:

treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders, as well as of alcohol and drug dependence
development of national mental health policy and programme
postgraduate training in psychiatry, neurology, neurophysiology, psycho/family therapy and clinical psychology
collection and dissemination of epidemiological data on mental and neurological disorders
research in the area of pathogenesis, diagnosis, classification, treatment and rehabilitation of psychiatric and neurological disorders
Care Services
Clinical activity of the Institute involves inpatient and outpatient facilities. 566 beds are available of which 440 are for psychosis, alcohol and drug dependence and children and adolescents with mental disorders while 126 beds for neurological patients. Day-care centres provide another 108 places, while in the outpatient department over 10.000 visits are registered yearly. Institute as the centre of health excellence provides highly specialised diagnosis (SPECT, MRI, CT, EEG and biochemical) and treatment.
Training Resources
The Department of Mental Health contributes to provision of the:
research on the role of health education and promotion
nationwide system of two-grade specialization in clinical psychology
postgraduate training courses for psychiatrists and psychologists (i.e. family therapy, neuropsychology, psychotherapy),
lectures and seminars for university students
training of the health professionals (i.e. psychiatric nurses),
alcohol and drug education at the users and their families, as well as staff of treatment centres.
Current Research Issuses

Research in psychiatry focuses on diagnoses and clinical treatment of mental disorders, new treatment methods, community and social psychiatry, epidemiology of mental disorders and their genetic environmental determinants and rehabilitation.

Institute Mental Health Program proved that the model of community-based psychiatric care should be developed, i.e. services should be provided to mentally ill clients in their community settings. A large-scale transformation and modernisation of inpatient treatment is planned, through development of a network of psychiatry wards at general hospitals, with simultaneous downsizing of large mental hospitals. These changes should lead to an increased supply of professionally differentiated and widely accessible care provision.

User Partner Organisations
Stowarzyszenie Rodzin i Przyjaciol Osob z Zaburzeniami Psychicznymi „Integracja” ( Family and Friend of Mentally Ill Association „Integration” )
Klub pacjentow „Amicus” ( Patients' club „Amicus”)
Stowarzyszenie „Pomost” ( „Pomost” Association )
Kolo Rodzin Pacjentow przy szpitalu psychiatrycznym w Tworkach ( Patients' Family Association in the psychiatric hospital „Tworki” )
„Fountain House”




Institute of Psychiatry & Neurology
Klinika Psychiatryczna
Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii
Sobieskiego 1/9
02-957 WARSAW
Web site
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This web site was last updated on the 9th February 2006.